Event Organisers Network (EONSA)
Telephone: +27 11 781 4800


Imagine a whole audience of non-musicians becoming an orchestra in minutes. Naturally and effortlessly.

Imagine the conductor not uttering a word yet speaking volumes – about leadership, communication, cooperation and synergy.

Imagine a learning experience more powerful than words…

Imagine the value to a conference, of everyone having one vision, one idea, one beat, being in one focus & working with united energy.

An organization is like an Orchestra. As the Silent Conductor, Steve’s compelling presentation gives a hands-on musical experience of being a significant part of a powerful unit.

Steve developed a unique non-verbal approach to group events. Every member of the audience plays an instrument, and so becomes an integral part of an interactive, rhythmic encounter that crosses all language and cultural barriers.

Whether participants are accomplished musicians or complete novices, they become united, motivated and inspired.